Saturday, October 31, 2015

How to Choose a Startup Business Coach (part 2 of 2)

Excellent Communication Skills
It may not seem like it, but coaching is really a two-way street. Sure, your startup business coach may do most of the talking as he gives you the advice you need but you’ll have to talk, too, in order for him to determine what your wants and needs are. If communication lines aren’t open between you and your coach, he might not be able to satisfy your needs fully.

Of course, open communication won’t be possible if you and your coach haven’t established rapport between you two. But that’s his problem, not yours. He’s the coach and he’s therefore responsible for making you feel at ease speaking with him. If he can’t do that then that’s his fault. Don’t be guilty of leaving him and looking for another, hopefully friendlier, startup business coach.

Naturally, you want a startup business coach that’s aware of the distinction between right and wrong. If you want to set up a legitimate business then you need a startup business coach who won’t cross the line and encourage you to earn money by playing with fire. If your startup business coach encourages use of manipulation, deception, and other unethical means of doing business, who’s to say he won’t treat you the same way when your back is turned?

Extensive Array of Services
It’s more convenient and effective if you can approach just one startup coach for all your needs. As such, make sure your coach is capable of offering all kinds of services you currently and might need in the future.

Equitably Priced
Lastly, choose a startup business coach that’s affordable. There’s no point hiring one if the mere act will make beggar you, is there?

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