Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Three Golf Swing Tips (part 1 of 2)

Golf is a popular sport which is why a lot of the tournaments are shown on television. You may not yet play with the likes of Tiger Woods but to be one of the best in the game, it will be helpful to know three golf swing tips.

First, you need a good shoulder turn to be able to hit the ball properly and let it land close to the hole. This is easier said than done because people have the misconception that making the left heel go up too much off the ground will make that work.

In essence, it does make the hip turn which is good but it does not produce any recoil. So what is the lesson here? Simply not to turn too much because recoil can be created not by how back the golfer turns when taking that shot.

Second, you must never let your chin rest against the chest because this will make it difficult to swing the left arm across the upper during the back swing. The correct way to do is it to keep the chin up and allow the left arm to move freely across the chest. This will give you the wide arc that is needed to hit the ball in the in the right direction.

Third, learn to relax because you are not able to think straight when you are pressured. When this happens, you forget tips one and two which disrupts your natural rhythm of hitting the ball the right way.

That is probably hard to do when you are in to winning the game but this is what separates the boys from the men. To get your mind off what is happening, try to block everyone out and picture yourself in your “happy place.”

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